Talia Rae | On The Rise

“This is who I am, take it or leave it,” Talia Rae introduced her debut EP ‘Shadows,‘ centered around personal vulnerability and authentic expression. Embracing the honesty on the title track, Talia Rae emerged as a vocal powerhouse and a full-fledged artist with a deep understanding of emotional reckoning.

The East London singer/songwriter showcased her outstanding vocal range and stage presence as a support act for the legendary Stevie Nicks at this year’s British Summer Time. Talia Rae brilliantly captivated the audience, temporarily transporting everyone into her world.

Clearly remembering the moment she heard Amy Winehouse’s Frank for the first time, it was never a case of ‘if’ for Talia Rae and her singing career. This utter determination offered an unstoppable fuel that also inspired the fierce single, ‘Rocket Woman.’

In an exclusive conversation with Noctis, Talia Rae shared how she got the call to open for Stevie Nicks, what she thinks about when performing, and her dream bucket list goal.

I had the pleasure to watch your performance at this year’s BST festival, as a support act for Stevie Nicks! Do you remember when you found out you will be on the same line up as Stevie Nicks?

I was in my kitchen cooking some dinner for my mum and I back in April time and my manager phoned me and was like “how would you like to open for Stevie Nicks this year at British Summer Time fest?”. Thank god I wasn’t chopping anything, otherwise I probably would’ve dropped the knife on my foot or something! Of course I said yes and then it definitely took a while to sink in! 

How did you enjoy your performance?

Honestly it was one of my favourite shows I’ve played! Stevie’s fans are out of this world, it felt like everyone was just a massive music nerd like me! I blinked then it was over! 

As a rising artist, what goes through your head standing on the stage?

Truthfully, the most random shit, haha! Like what I’m gonna have for lunch, or “I love that person’s outfit” in the audience, or I wonder how long it takes to build the stage etc!

You just released your new EP ‘Shadows’. What does this body of work represent to you?

This body of work represents who I was when I wrote these songs. I believe that every song I write is a timestamp of where I was that day and most days I’m evolving in some way, so I listen back and am like “yeah that’s who I was then, and here’s what I’ve taken from that situation now”. Hopefully people can relate in the same way, even if they didn’t write the song.

Could you mention what time capsules will be featured on it?

It covers so much of my teen years and really figuring out who I am and what I want to say! There’s a song about first heartbreak, ‘Rocket Woman’ is about the first time I got high and what it’s like to dream. ‘Shadows’ is about my internal struggle with my body and how I look, as I’m sure a lot of people can relate, then ‘If The World Will End’ was a crazy 20 min song one evening that just flowed out. ‘No Surprises’ was a beautiful experience recording with my two friends just because we bloody love Radiohead! Every song definitely captures a moment in my life.

How did you want to introduce yourself with ‘Shadows’?

Through vulnerability and understanding but a definite “this is who I am, take it or leave it” kind of thing. The writing process was one thing but then the production and the rest of the creative was really where I wanted to get across who I am and what I want to say, which is to be yourself. I love dark cinematic music and I love the art of film and conceptual shots. I didn’t want to just write the music and put it out. I wanted to create a world around it which people can feel like they can live in. 

What is the meaning behind being a ‘Rocket Woman’?

Rocket Woman basically means somebody who has these massive dreams and has a realisation of “oh, maybe I can actually do that, and no one can tell me otherwise”. A Rocket Woman is what it means to be strong, fierce, independent, and beautifully unique. 

‘Rocket Woman’ touches upon the inner monologue, a conversation with yourself about the person you are and the person you’re yet to be. Who would you like to become? 

I want to be someone mini me would look up to. Someone who loves what they do everyday, creates all sorts of art, and shares it with the world and is just fucking confident being me. I could list 100 materialistic goals, but if I don’t love the process what’s the point? 

How did you first get into singing and songwriting?

I went to a theatre school from 10 years old and studied that for quite a while. While I was there I listened to Amy Winehouse’s Frank for the first time and realised “wow, songwriting is actually a thing and people actually write songs”. I wrote my first song (which was atrocious) at 12, and haven’t stopped since! 

Could you recall what was the last push that convinced you to really go for it?

I wouldn’t say there was really a last push. Ever since I was literally able to walk I was either singing, dancing, playing piano or doing some kind of acting monologue for my family in our living room. So I suppose it was never a question whether I was gonna do this, it was just a kind of knowing. 

As an artist, you must have your dream bucket list of goals and achievements, what is on yours?

To play a headline show at Emirates Stadium! I’m a massive Arsenal fan and have been going since my dad started dragging me along, so it would be full circle for me and for him if one day I played. I think about it everyday!

Do you have a favourite mantra that always keeps you going?

 “It is what it is”

Talia Rae’s debut EP Shadows is out now, available to stream globally here.

Follow Talia Rae On Instagram

Words: Karolina Kramplova