Bilboysan Amps Up The Feel-Good Vibes On ‘Summertime’

Hailing from Indonesia, it’s in Sydney Australia that Bilboysan found his sound, starting his musical career whilst studying overseas. Rooted in pop, his sound also takes inspiration from R&B, incredibly prevalent in the production of his new track Summertime. An artist that doesn’t take life too seriously, Bilboysan’s new track encapsulates just how summer should make us feel, evoking dreamscapes of the perfect beach holiday in both his lyrics and the accompanying music video. 

Reflecting on the new track, he says “Summertime was heavily inspired by the beat. It gave me a summer holiday vibe that in my opinion helps get my mind off of things, away from the harshness of reality and essentially have fun. I’ve never attempted to write a song that was just pure fun and this beat was definitely the perfect opportunity.” 

He is an artist who plans to reflect on his feelings in the music that follows, and even intends to experiment with genres that steer away from pop and R&B. But Summertime introduces us to more of Bilboysan’s personality, letting us know that humour helps us to handle life and all it throws our way. 

As someone who wants to constantly experiment with his music, Bilboysan took the perfect opportunity releasing this upbeat track just in time for the warmer weather and longer nights. This new song and its accompanying video remind us that as summer approaches, relaxation and pleasure should follow. 

Summertime is available now.

Follow Bilboysan on Instagram

Words: Janita Purcell