Get to know House of Miagi

Rising UK-based artist House Of Miagi has gained attention through features in the BBC series ‘Dreaming Whilst Black‘ and various Netflix productions, but he now reveals his new single ‘Somebody‘. Drawing from his Nigerian heritage, he blends Afrobeats, contemporary R&B, and pop with his distinctive Afro-Barry tone. The new track, produced by Oscar Moos, fuses House and UK Garage, exploring romantic relationship complexities with relatable lyrics and an unforgettable melody. House Of Miagi’s innovative approach continues to solidify his presence in the music scene- we caught up with him to find out more.

Your new single ‘Somebody’ is described as a vibrant fusion of House and UK Garage. Can you tell us more about the creative process behind blending these genres? 

The creative process for writing this record always begins with my guitar. Every song I write starts as an acoustic piece. From there, depending on the song and its flow, my producer Oscar Moos and I work together to bring the vision of the record to life. The acoustic base sets the foundation, and then we translate that initial spark into a fully realised track, making sure every element aligns with the song’s essence.

This particular song, however, was approached a bit differently. We decided to infuse it with a house/garage vibe, which was an exciting departure from my usual style. Exploring these genres and tapping into that unique space was an incredible experience. It was such an amazing feeling to see how well everything lined up, creating a track that not only stayed true to its acoustic roots but also brought a fresh, vibrant energy to the record. Remarkably, we got this track recorded, vocal chopped, and mixed in half the time we normally would. Although this was quicker, the music game is unpredictable like that. Sometimes you can create a song in five minutes that ends up being your breakthrough track. Gotta love it! 

You’ve gained significant recognition with features in BBC’s ‘Dreaming Whilst Black’ and various Netflix productions. How has this exposure influenced your career and musical style?

It has been an extraordinary journey, delving into a part of the industry I never imagined I’d be part of. The exposure has been transformative, pushing my songwriting and production skills to new heights, especially when crafting pitches. Hearing my own records, or tracks I’ve contributed to, playing on TV or featured in a series or movie, is an indescribable thrill. The pride of being able to say, “I was part of this masterpiece,” is beyond words. This experience has not only expanded my horizons but also injected my musical style with fresh perspectives and boundless inspiration.

‘Somebody’ delves into the complexities of romantic relationships. What personal experiences or stories inspired the lyrics of this song?

This period in my life was fascinating, filled with desires that I knew weren’t good for me, yet I pursued them anyway. I drew inspiration from my relationships—or situationships—that often led us to fall for each other for all the wrong reasons. The second verse captures this perfectly, illustrating how our relationship felt like a game of who could act the coldest. We both knew it was just a defence mechanism. In reality, we were trauma bonding, finding a strange thrill in being in each other’s company despite the underlying issues.

Working with producer Oscar Moos on ‘Somebody’ must have been an interesting experience. How did this collaboration come about, and what was it like working together?

Oscar and I have been working together for over three years, and in that time, our collaboration has been nothing short of magical. We have a collection of tracks that often get pushed back because each new creation seems to outshine the last. This partnership has been a true blessing; Oscar is one of the most talented producers and composers I’ve ever worked with. There’s never been an idea I’ve had that he hasn’t elevated beyond my wildest expectations.

Oscar’s extensive catalog includes records with household names across almost every genre, proving his wizardry in the studio. Every track I’ve released over the years proudly bears his stamp, and his influence has been instrumental in shaping my sound.

What do you hope people will take away from the new single? And what can fans expect from you in the near future?

Needless to say, this single is a commercial summer banger designed to hook listeners with its irresistible replay value. The beat and melodies are crafted to captivate music lovers, while the R&B ‘Craig David’ influence in my songwriting adds a familiar and beloved touch. I can only hope listeners connect with this song as deeply as I did while making it.

Looking ahead, I’m planning to drop new tracks every 4-6 weeks. If they enjoyed this single, they’re in for a treat because the upcoming songs are sure to be just as infectious and engaging.

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