Indyana Unveils New Album Teaser ‘the moon in the morning’

Following her magical single ‘Stained Sunrise,’ Indyana has shared ‘the moon in the morning,’ the latest teaser from her upcoming album. Known for her captivating, kaleidoscopic orchestral folk arrangements, Indyana creates a soundscape that is both comforting and haunting.

Self-produced and classically trained on the viola, Indyana blends delicate vocals, intricate lyrics, and a childlike wonder about existence, inviting listeners to explore their inner galaxies. As her 12-track debut album ‘The Navy Baby‘ nears release, Indyana continues to perform in Melbourne. In late 2023, she supported New Zealand artist Paige and has played at major venues and festivals, including her solo debut at the Surrey Hills Music Festival in February 2024.

Her new track is a spiritual journey of acoustic plucks, rolling percussion, and wistful strings, with her celestial vocals guiding the listener. The song evolves from a soft, introspective beginning to a powerful climax, showcasing impressive melodic runs. Indyana explains, “My cinema-folk lullaby is an ode to how glimpses of the moon at unusual times have humbled me. The ‘moon siren’ vocal line, added late in the writing process, brings a powerful cry to the ether, elevating the lullaby to something profound.”

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