The Evolution of Zenesoul

With a voice that effortlessly blends soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, Zenesoul has become a captivating force in the R&B landscape. Hailing from Brampton, Canada, with deep Nigerian roots, this JUNO Award-nominated artist has been mesmerizing audiences since her early days, showcasing her unique ability to intertwine personal experiences with universally relatable themes. 

Fresh off two sold-out Candlelight Concerts in Toronto and her first headline show in Atlanta, Zenesoul is set to enchant listeners once again with her latest single ‘KEOTR.’ This track, a preview of her upcoming EP, features a stunning afrocentric music video shot in Lagos, Nigeria, and highlights her journey of love, empowerment, and resilience. 

In this exclusive interview, Zenesoul opens up about the inspiration behind ‘KEOTR,’ her evolution as an artist, and the significance of infusing her Nigerian heritage into her music. Join us as we dive into the world of Zenesoul, exploring her artistic vision, her commitment to authenticity, and what fans can look forward to in the near future. 

Congratulations on the release of your latest single ‘KEOTR’! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song and its significance to you personally? 

I wanted to create a song that was motivating and a bit upbeat. I wanted something that represents my resilience which is in my blood. 

The music video for ‘KEOTR’ was shot in Lagos. How did the location influence the visual narrative of the song, and what was the experience like filming there? 

As a Nigerian I’ve always wanted to do a music video in Nigeria and being that I was in Nigeria close to release date I decided it was the perfect time to do the video and the creative visual I had for the song could only be done in Nigeria. I needed the raw and authentic aesthetics of Nigeria and it’s very fitting with the resilience of Nigerians. Despite what we go through we always maintain hope and positivity. We find the light in every situation. 

‘KEOTR’ showcases a blend of afropop and alternative R&B. How important is it for you to infuse your Nigerian heritage into your music, and how does it shape your artistic identity? 

It’s very important to me because I want my music to be a reflection of who I am and by blending the two I am bringing my worlds together and showing two things that play a role in who I am. 

Your lyrics often delve into themes of love and empowerment. How do you navigate incorporating personal experiences into your songwriting while ensuring it resonates with a broader audience? 

I believe the best way to relate with others is by being transparent and I find it very easy to talk about my experiences because I‘ve experienced a lot. My music is to empower me and I’m glad it’s empowering others as well.

Your career has seen remarkable growth since your debut EP ‘Worth in 2019. How would you describe your evolution as an artist since then, and what do you hope listeners take away from your musical journey? 

I knew absolutely nothing about the music industry when I released my EP, ‘Worth’. I believed in myself enough to just put it out and I’m so grateful that through it, I have been able to learn a lot about the industry, writing and I’ve gotten better in creating music. I hope listeners see my evolution as motivation to go for what they love regardless of anything. There is never the right time. You have to create the right time. 

With the success of tracks like ‘Love And Be Loved’ and ‘Wasteman,’ your versatility as an artist is evident. How do you approach experimenting with different styles while staying true to your artistic vision? 

Honestly I find this so hard to do. I battle with myself about it all the time. I’m always questioning if the music I create fits my artistic vision but I’m learning to just let go and be free. Whatever I touch will always be a reflection of me. As long as I create from my heart my artistic vision should always shine through. 

Your song ‘KEOTR’ is all about staying true to yourself despite challenges. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? 

I would tell my younger self to see the positive in every experience and situation. There’s always something to be learned and a reason for everything. Overthinking and holding on to things never solves anything. 

If you could teleport to any city in the world for a spontaneous performance, where would you go and why? 

I would go to Brazil! I have a pretty good fan base in Brazil and they show me so much love so it would be really nice to go there. 

As someone who began their musical journey at a young age, what advice would you give to aspiring artists looking to find their unique voice and make an impact in the industry? 

I started at a young age just writing music in my room because of the love I have for music. I would tell an aspiring artist to let the love drive them. As long as you do it from a place of love you won’t stop. You won’t be able to. 

Looking ahead, what can fans expect from your upcoming EP, and how do you envision your musical trajectory unfolding in the future? 

My fans can expect growth. They can expect a girl who continuously works on bettering herself and sees healing as a priority.

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Words: Tara Choudhary