Echoes of Consumption | Editorial

Inspired by the notion of commodity fetishism, ‘Echoes of Consumption’ investigates the complex dynamics of consumer culture. It explores how individuals seek self-actualisation and social identity through objects, including the pressure to consume, the fleeting satisfaction of objects and the infinite cycle of desire.

‘Echoes of Consumption’ depicts consumption as a quest for identity and a source of self-actualisation. Each piece aims to challenge viewers to rethink the value and impact of their own consumption patterns, questioning the sustainability of seeking fulfilment through material goods.

Photographer and Producer: Alexia Wang
Set Designer: Chunqi
Stylist: Amelie
HMUA: Ann, Anthea
DesignerS: Thomas Fee, Deni Dai, Zeyu Wang
Photography Assistant: Vicky Li
Models: Fain, Alexa, Dromix, Qianyu
AssistantS: Keze Zheng, Ellen Gang