Bellah Mae Live At Lafayette

Rising artist Bellah Mae continues to dream big following a strong closer to her headline tour, which showed off glimpses of a future star but one who has space to grow. 

Set in the digital roots of TikTok and building from an audience followed by the suits of Madison Beer & Mimi Webb, Mae has developed a sound that infuses the likes of pop & country alongside the tales of break-ups, love, and everything else in between. And with the evidently key influences of Hannah Montana, Taylor Swift & even Guns N Roses, Mae opened the night with the hit tracks ‘Hell & Never Back’ & ‘2053’

With the sold-out audience standing in awe, Mae treated us to multiple tracks from her upcoming EP Never Waste a Heartbreak, alongside the teaser of ‘Baby Doll’ – a standout to the night. Together in her stage presence and proving to be having a hoot on stage, Mae took it further with ‘Compatible’ & ‘Mr Hypocrite’. 

Moreover, it didn’t stop there as she closed her last night on tour with her hit singles ‘On Purpose’ and ‘Boyfriend of the Year’. One that went down as a treat and even got me dancing. As I stood there as the evening goes by with clear pop girlie music, it was clear that Bellah Mae knows her shit, and her fans do too.

Follow Belah Mae On Instagram

Photographer: Genevieve Reeves

Words: Ross Mondon