Remi Wolf Live At Electric Brixton

Lights dimmed while hushed excitement overtook the audience at Electric Brixton as Remi Wolf took to the balcony. Overlooking the crowd peek-a-boo style – she appeared, decorated in playful cowboy-esk accessories and layers of gingham and lace. Remi kicked off the evening with her 2024 single Just the Start

This momentous entrance presented a glimpse of the nostalgic best-friends scream-singing festivities ahead. Hailing from Palo Alto, California, Remi Wolf is a genre-merging musician; her music, as she describes it, is ‘funky soul pop’. Tiptoeing into the spotlight in 2014, she was a contestant on American Idol. Later in 2019 she made her solo debut with original single You’re A Dog! Remi has featured on songs with the likes of Still Woozy, Norah Jones, and Paramore among others. 

Currently supporting Olivia Rodrigo on the Guts World Tour, Remi told the audience that this was her first headline gig in two years. Despite the fact that she is on a global tour at the moment, she popped onto the stage, fully curated evening in tow. Deep soulful vocals accompanied playful pop beats which were bolstered by a drum kit and guitarist on stage. Playing tracks from her album Juno – she teased news of an upcoming album release and played crowd favourites such as Michael, Sexy Villain, and Cinderella. 

The audience was invited into what felt like a quintessential ‘girlhood’ film scene. A clothes rack sat in the background nearby the drummer. Suitcases were littered around while a sofa sat centre stage which was later utilised during an acoustic section of the set. During which, she played Alone in Miami whilst sat beside her guitarist on the couch. 

As the band was gearing up for Remi’s acoustic set – her sister briefly floated onto the stage, cup of tea in hand. This detail added to that creature comforts feeling which the show seamlessly embodied. This feather-lightness not only translated through the vocals, but also her antics with the band. Remi got in their faces, singing to them directly whilst dancing and jumping. At one point she held the guitarist from behind, puppeteering him around the stage. 

Remi is a perfect example of a performer who is not only incredibly-talented but also balanced in her showcasing of such skill. Comprised of poetically charged lyricism, her music maintains an air of earnestness. It would be easy to elicit such powerful reactions from audience members and let it get to one’s head, but she didn’t. Remi was singing tales of girlish drama to a crowd of ‘besties’. It felt like we were invited to dance on stage alongside her high kicks and excited shrieks.

The whole show was imbued with high-energy theatricality. This was the result of Remi’s dramatised yelps and squeals whilst she moved completely carefree. The audience ate it up. Those in attendance were fully sold the vision, chanting along with the lyrics in uncanny unison. All I kept thinking was that the performance was a “sweaty good time”.

Cute and quirky on stage, Remi was asking questions like “did you guys like that little thing I did up there”. Later she showcased her rendition of Valerie by Amy Winehouse, the venue was starstruck. Near instantly after the band left the stage, audience members started stomping and clapping their hearts out. I’ve never seen a band return so quickly to perform their encore so fast, in this case being the 2020 release, Disco Man

The set was somewhat short, totalling out at 55 minutes including an encore. I figure it has to do with the secretive nature of unreleased tracks that we will surely see in the near future. Remi is a force of nature, her powerful vocal range was paired with a playful goofiness that was both awe-striking as it was inviting. I felt like I was in a teenage best friend’s bedroom, playing dress up with cowboy hats, glitter and sharing stories of crushes we couldn’t quite reach yet. 

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Photographer: Sophie Vaughan

Words: Lauren Bulla