Geowulf ‘Something Good’ | PREMIERE

“You make something out of nothing,” says Star Kendrick, an Australian-based artist Geowulf, about her premiering solo single, ‘Something Good.’ Embracing a new wave of creativity, ‘Something Good’ is a gentle reminder to welcome good things in the light of enduring persistent chaos and heartbreak.

Star Kendrick and Toma Benjamin originally formed Geowulf in 2018 as a two-piece. Their unique creative chemistry led to two successful albums, ‘Great Big Blue’ and ‘My Resignation.’ After parting ways, Star Kendrick takes a more independent route, depicting stories fuelled with honesty and vulnerability. 

Listening to her instinct of craving stillness and peace, Star Kendrick returned to her hometown of Noosa, Australia. ‘Something Good’ symbolises more than a cry for a better future; it reflects on the past from the point of view of an observer.

‘Something Good’ is Star Kendrick’s personal anthem, yet the premiering single resonates on a global level. With its brilliant production and Kendrick’s soft, crisp vocals, the song’s appeal is universal. The simple piano chords draw you in, gradually building to the emotionally euphoric chorus, inviting you to be released and find something good

The super-8-shot music video portrays Star Kendrick in a white, enchanting dress. Wondering around a theater, she is authentic, still, and sitting back as she reflects on her life. ‘Something Good’ is magnetic, tranquil, and a testament to Geowulf’s new chapter. 

Celebrating the premiere of ‘Something Good,’ Star Kendrick addresses the new era of Geowulf, a new state of mind, the family-affair-shot music video, and longing for simplicity. 

Could you name some things in your environment that bring you true happiness? 

Currently based in my hometown Noosa, Australia. I had a pretty instinctive urge to come back home when I was pregnant. At this point in my life I find happiness in early mornings, good food, exercise, nature, and family. Pretty wholesome. I suppose that was the incentive to come back here. 

After parting ways with your long time collaborator Toma Benjamin, you said you no longer felt like you need to write music that captured the spirit of both of your lives. What was the initial creative wave like?

We had great creative chemistry and I felt I really trusted him with the musicality and he often left it to me to do lyrics and we’d work on melodies together. There were some songs I wrote about being a woman or some personal experiences that I suppose didn’t feel right to sing together. This album has forced me to be more independent in my songwriting and share some of those stories. 

How different was your writing process for Geowulf, as a solo project?

I find the writing part fun and exciting but sometimes get overwhelmed with production. There are so many ways you can sonically take a single song. Working with Geoff as producer was great because he understood where I saw the songs going. We wanted to keep things a bit more simple, raw, with elements of original Geowulf sound but basing the songs around the stories. 

When did the theme for ‘Something Good’ click for you?

As I was writing it. The words just came out as I was singing along to some chords. I had originally meant to be doing something else the day I wrote it but plans got cancelled and I ended up back in the studio. So in a way the song almost wasn’t here. I love that about writing. You make something out of nothing. 

The realisation of deserving good things is part of a healing process. Could you elaborate to what part of your live does this song relate to?

For me this song was about wanting a life that didn’t involve chaos or heartbreak. My childhood had a lot of chaos, my romantic life had a lot of chaos and finally I’d gotten to a point that I just wanted things to be simple and easy. A home, routine, a good partner, a career, and now a family. Things I didn’t think I deserved. The healing has been making a life that feels healthy and ‘good.’ 

What was the main emotion you wanted to encapsulate in the ‘something good’ music video?

The slow motion is meant to feel nostalgic and dream-like. The theatre was meant to represent watching your own life; sitting back with some popcorn and observing all the craziness. 

Where did you film it? Who did you work with?

We filmed it at Pomona Majestic Theatre. It’s the oldest running silent film theatre. Really beautiful and in the hinterland of my home town. My partner shot the video with super 8 in one hand and a light box in another. My grandmother came to help on the shoot and pushed my baby around in a chair. It was a bit crazy but it was a simple idea so didn’t need a huge crew.

Looking back at this ‘something good’ episode, what will you remember this period by?

I’ll remember it as feeling authentic, feeling truly aligned with my songwriting and also feeling lucky that I get to do music whilst having a family (not easy for all mothers but I have heaps of support). I think I’ll feel proud of the first album I’ve released as a solo artist.  

What will this next chapter look like?

There’s a lot more to say and tell. I’m excited to get back into the studio and write the next album. Not sure what it’ll look like just yet, I think that’s the exciting part. 

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Words: Karolina Kramplova