Sophia Habib | 5 Minutes With

Unveiling a captivating live performance trilogy, Dutch artist Sophia Habib hypnotises audiences with her stunning vocals, emotional songwriting and incredible live orchestra. Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Habib is known for her neo-soul sound which blends harmoniously with infectious pop melodies and an R&B groove. Her latest release sees the artist taking her music to new heights, as she brings the Cloud Orchestra to accompany her on three tracks, two of which are from her album, Fragile, as well as a brand new single, “Thank You”. Seeing Habib perform these live is totally awe-inspiring, as we witness just how much talent she beholds. 

Set in a minimalist setting, Habib allows us into her world without hiding behind any walls. She bares her soul for us all, as she delves into stories about her own life, showing vulnerability and emphasising that we are all human. Raw in all aspects, Habib shares, “Thank You is quite simply, a love story! It’s a heartfelt expression of gratitude towards someone who has shown you what true love is and reminded you of your own worthiness to receive that love.”

Noctis Magazine spoke with Sophia Habib about the new videos, the importance of being authentic and her future plans for world domination. 

Congratulations on the release of your three new live performance videos! Can you tell us about how the idea to create these came about?

Thank you! I really wanted to showcase my music live, without having to wait for a live-show opportunity. So I decided to create that opportunity myself. I wanted to make it something special, so I thought of doing it with an orchestra, because I already used a lot of string arrangements in the original music. I thought, why not go all the way?

Your music is known for being very personal and vulnerable and with the new live videos, this comes across even more potently. How important is it for you to be authentic with your listeners?

Being authentic is most important to me. I write and sing about my real life and pour all of my emotion into everything that I do. That is who I am as an artist to the core.

The videos were shot in a unique location. Do you think the aesthetic contributed to the overall atmosphere and storytelling of the songs?

Yes of course! The location was picked specifically for that goal. Everything had to make sense. My visual identity has to fit my musical identity. Both of them together are a complete vision of my artistry and contribute to the message I am conveying.

Two of the singles are off of your 2022 album, Fragile. What was the deciding factor behind choosing these, plus the addition of the new track for the live performance videos?

Well, those were two of my favorite songs I’ve ever written, but they got the least recognition. I also didn’t make a visual to these songs before, so I wanted to highlight something ‘new’.

Can you tell us about how the collaboration with the Cloud Orchestra came about?

I’d worked with them before. They are a Rotterdam based orchestra and I am a Rotterdam based artist. I had a lovely collaboration with them and it just seemed natural to work with them again.

Can you share any memorable or standout moments from the filming with the orchestra? Any challenges or surprises that occurred during the process?

Haha well, as always it was a hectic day with a lot of challenges. This was the biggest crew I’ve worked with yet and to keep everyone focused and together was definitely challenging.

The videos were directed by Eloi Genrich and Rebecca Weltner and filmed by Maric Dam. Can you give us an insight into the behind the scenes of working with them and the process of bringing your vision to life? 

Eloi and Rebecca have created my visual identity as an artist with me. I trust their vision and they fully understand what I am trying to make. They are a delight to work with and the best of the best!! Same goes for Maric. He was brought in by Rebecca, who had worked with him before and he and I really had the most interaction on the day itself. It’s truly impressive how good he is at his job :0

You are an incredible live performer! Can fans catch you performing live anywhere this year? 

Thank you so much. I am working on a lot of new music and building a live show to fit that. I can’t share any new dates yet, but just keep an eye on my social media and you’ll be the first to know 🙂

What can we expect next from Sophia Habib?

World domination.

Follow Sophia Habib On Instagram

Words: Alexander Williams