Cyazon | Looking Ahead to 2024

As we embrace the new year, we had the opportunity to catch up with Cyazon, a DJ/Producer whose journey through the realm of Electronic music has been both inspiring and dynamic. Cyazon shares his thoughts on the excitement that the coming year holds, revealing plans to create more music, a change in his on-stage outfit and goals for the new year. He delves into his personal practices and habits that set a positive tone for the year, highlighting the importance of visualization and maintaining a positive mindset. Let’s dig in as Cyazon discusses his musical direction for 2024, embracing a more playful approach to music production while keeping his drive and focus.

What excites you the most about the new year, and how do you plan to channel that excitement into your music and career?

The progression of my desires and goals is what excites me the most about the new year. I plan to channel the excitement by creating more music, and being more present on my social media accounts.

As the calendar turns, can you share a personal tradition or ritual that helps set a positive tone and inspires your creativity for the upcoming year?

Something that I usually do on most days is visualize and see myself receiving my desires. I also reflect and remind myself that everything is working out in my favor and that I will get my outcome with my desires. This helps me stay positive and inspired to create.

The new year often symbolizes a fresh start. Are there any habits or practices you intend to leave behind or adopt to enhance your musical journey in 2024?

I think a habit or practice I will try to adopt is creating music as much as I can, but not forcing it or feeling like I have to make music. I think going into making music with a more fun, inspired, and playful attitude will enhance my musical journey in 2024.

In the world of Electronic music, trends can evolve rapidly; what trends or shifts in the industry do you anticipate playing a significant role in the new year, and how do you plan to adapt?

Something I have noticed trend-wise, is that Drum & Bass is starting to become more popular in the United States and everywhere in general. So, I anticipate Drum & Bass

to be at the forefront in the new year. I plan to adapt by releasing more Drum & Bass music in my own unique way.

Looking back on your musical catalog, is there a particular track or project from your past that you feel has prepared you best for the challenges and opportunities the new year may bring?

I feel that my track with Au5, ‘Before You Leave’, will prepare me with new opportunities with a booking agency and labels, considering that the track did very well.

As you set new goals for yourself in the new year, can you share an example of a past goal that you successfully achieved and the key strategies that helped you reach it?

A past goal that I successfully achieved was releasing on Monstercat again. The remix opportunity came up randomly. I delivered the final product within the first few days when the deadline was a week. So, I think being very fast with finishing the remix, and delivering a great remix left a great impression with Monstercat.

The new year often brings a sense of renewal and reinvention. Are there any specific areas of your artistry that you plan to refine or elevate in the coming year to take your craft to the next level?

I plan to refine and elevate the new sound direction I’m going with my music this year. I have a lot of unreleased music I’m proud of, and anticipate will do well. I’m also refining my look as an artist, which means getting rid of the light up glasses and jacket. I’m going for a more mature-look with sunglasses and a leather jacket. I think this change was needed considering the sound of my music has changed.

Can you tell us about a specific moment or experience from your career in this past year that has fueled your determination and passion to make the most of the coming months?

One specific moment is when I went on stage with Au5 during his Denver show to play our song. I think playing our song in front of a lot of people at that moment inspires me to keep going in the coming months.

As you embark on this journey into the new year, what advice would you give to emerging artists who are looking up to you as a source of inspiration and guidance?

The biggest advice I would give to emerging artists is to be patient with your music career goals and how your career evolves. Sometimes the bridge to success can take some time. In the meantime, continue to have fun making music and sharing it with the world.

Can you describe a memorable moment from your career that occurred around New Year’s Eve or the beginning of a new year, and how did it shape your outlook and aspirations?

One memorable moment from my career was in January of 2020 when I found out I was going to be releasing my first song with the label Monstercat. I think that moment gave me a lot of confidence in myself, that I can be successful as an artist. I also think it gave me reassurance that I can achieve my dreams and goals as well.

As we finish our conversation with Cyazon, we thank him for the time he made to talk with us. His insights, ranging from setting intentions and embracing evolving trends to personal growth and maintaining a sense of joy in the creative process, shine a light into his own journey, as well as, serve as inspiration not only for aspiring artists but for anyone embarking on a new project; Cyazon’s journey showcases the essence of persistence and the belief that with time and dedication, dreams can indeed become a reality. We look forward to witnessing his continued musical evolution in the year ahead, in the meantime, make sure to follow him across social media to learn more about his new ventures and releases.

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